We have all experienced the loss of something valuable that has caused us much pain and sorrow. Maybe you are hanging on to a relationship that you know is not safe in your heart, hoping that before all the pain and hurt really sets in, it will turn back into how things were in the beginning. One of the toughest things we can face in life is to let go of relationships when they no longer serve us. We are often so familiar with the known that we choose to suffer the pain that this may bring us rather than taking that huge and often scary step into an unknown future. We often resist change and cling to the past long after it has ceased to serve us. It’s what is known as our uncomfortable comfort zone. But taking that step with the professional and supportive help of One Life Coaching will probably be the best step you have ever taken.

You discover a new ‘you’.

“And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin. 

A split in a relationship can be one of the hardest challenges that we ever face. You’ve invested time and energy into committing on a mental level, a soul level, an emotional level, and a physical level to a significant other. You’ve turned your previous life upside down and inside out so that you can become a true “we”, rather than the “I” you were before. Letting go of this, even when you know the relationship has run its course or has become toxic can seem near on impossible. You’ve grown in age and in maturity but as a “we” so now you no longer know what the independent stand-alone “I” looks like. But to let go when a relationship no longer serves you is one of the greatest life lessons to learn which will enable you to grow and mature into a better, happier, more mature version of yourself. IT’s just the hardest thing to see when you are going through the split.

One of the best things you can do as you let go is to lean on the people around you for support, those family and friends who love you unconditionally and have your back. As you d this and as you begin to take small steps into a new life, enjoying activities as “you”, your mind will work on building a strong, new, optimistic version of your life until the day will come when you can truly let go of the memories and pain that once brought you so much hurt. But please remember that you don’t have to take this journey alone – or even navigate the waters just with people who love you but have no professional training on how to navigate these waves -, seeking professional help of a personal coaching and relationship therapist (can you link this to my page) will help you navigate these waters with greater clarity and understanding and a vision on how to move forwards, how to set and achieve new goals and how to make new plans so that a stronger you can emerge from the rubble of a relationship breakup

More room for the new

We’ve all heard the saying that we are not what happened to us, we are who we choose to be in the moment and it is true that many of us are forfeiting our present when we choose to keep rethinking the past. Once we decide to let go of the past, we allow ourselves to be drawn to new aspirations, new dreams, and new individuals all of which can lead us to exciting new chapters in our life. However, this doesn’t just mean that we need to sweep what has happened under the carpet and never think of our past again. Research has shown how boxing up our past inside us will inevitably only lead us to diss-ease and have a detrimental effect on both our physical as well as our mental health. Reviewing our past and looking at it with a new perspective of where we are now in life will allow us to let go of it and move on in the best, healthiest way, With the assistance of the best life coach and CBT practitioner in Dubai you will be able to let go of everything that is draining you and dragging you down. Our lives are not supposed to be static. Change occurs for a reason so the more we embrace change, the more growth we will have available to us. Dare to dream about your happy and positive life again. And remember that given the right professional help, sometime in the future you will be able to look back with gratitude for your relationship break up and how it helped you evolve into an even better version of yourself.

New obstacles handled with courage

Each time you successfully step through these tough times, you will grow and mature into having even more grace and ease when you hit the many more road bumps life throws your way but letting go of the past and moving on is a learned ability and skill, one we are not taught as children. Being guided and given the best possible tools in order to do this best relationship coach will give you the clarity and courage you need to move forwards positively. The willingness to let go and move on becomes clearer if you have had previous experience but only if you have digested the lessons and grown from them as a result,  not if you have buried them. If you don’t take the time to learn the lessons, you’ll probably find that you will repeat the same mistakes again and again as you enter new relationships. When you can see and have it resonate inside you what this breakup was there to teach you, it will become easier to believe in yourself, your self-worth and set healthy boundaries with those around you. Family and friends are definitely there to help support and love us in this process but learning the lessons and learning to let go with an unbiased trained professional will make this break up the process into a far more positive experience for our life in the long run.. With this process you will be able to be more relaxed when facing future obstacles, knowing who you truly are and what your true worth is and you will be able to face them head-on with even greater courage and grace.

Love yourself before others

In our relationships, we all want to feel loved. However, loving yourself first in a healthy and positive way is the secret to attracting healthy and positive love from others. Whilst we look outside of ourselves to find someone who will complete us will fill that void inside us, rather than doing this for ourselves, we will continue to attract relationships that are unhealthy, co-dependent, or toxic.  No number of actions or lack of someone else’s actions or words can remedy a lack of love for yourself. Our committed long-term partner was never meant to be there to complete us, they are there to uphold us and support our journey into becoming the best version of ourselves possible. When we learn to love, respect, and value ourselves we will, in turn, attract the same love, respect, and value from others. Again, on our own, this can be a difficult journey to go through but with the help of a trained professional best relationship coach who can give you the tools to learn a positive, healthy, and happy mindset and then attract others with a positive, healthy and happy mindset,  the journey becomes so much more attainable and real. After all happy relationships and marriages are made when two individually happy people come together.

YOU are everything you need

Being in a blissful, supportive, caring relationship is one of the world’s greatest gifts to us, and it’s most definitely true that everything is brighter and more enjoyable when we are in love but being in love should not be your answer to happiness. Being happy should come before you fall in love. We can’t share happiness if we have never experienced happiness for ourselves. There’s a distinction between affection and attachment. When we become addicted and dependent on others for our well-being and happiness, that is no longer loving. Love is without attachment and dependence. Take time to find inner happiness, take time to learn what it is you love and cherish for yourself. If you take time to love and respect yourself first so that others can respect and love you back you will find that you will reap the rewards of far greater and more positive relationships. You are more than enough. Remember inner peace comes the moment we take a deep breath and don’t allow others to control our thoughts. We are what we choose to become in the moment.

Grow closer to your destiny

Believe that all of us have been put on this earth, at this moment, for a reason. If we allow it, all our encounters, struggles, and burdens and all our hurts influence who we are and make us into who we are supposed to be in a positive way.  However, when we are experiencing a relationship break up this can sometimes be hard to digest. That is why it is a great practice to be able to take ourselves out of the hurt for a while and look at the encounter with a new, learning perspective and remember that we are here to balance the world in a very special, complex way that only we can accomplish. We may not interpret each experience as a positive one at first, but each life lesson is essential for us to evolve and grow into the person we were put on earth to be. 

Inspire others

We can all touch and inspire people in so many ways that often we don’t even understand how ourselves. Being that person who touches and encourages others can be one of the greatest gifts we ever receive. When you have the courage to face head-on and subsequently let go of past experiences and when you share this with others you are helping them to gain the courage to let go of their past experiences with grace. People always feel awed in the presence of smiling, kind-hearted, gentle souls that have gone through a great loss. These individuals are positive evidence that if you let it, rehabilitation will, and does, happen. 

Attract what you want

We are all just looking to secure what gives us comfort, peace, and prosperity so when relationships fail and bring us hurt and confusion we can get caught up in the details that bring us to worry and anxiety. Stepping away from the negative and beginning to find joy in small moments again will help us attract more joy into our lives. Beginning to do what makes us happy will attract more happiness into our lives. Yes, it is a road that requires effort into finding our own joy and happiness, and yes it’s sometimes easier to remain in the negative that we have become accustomed to accepting but the more joyous and happy we are, the more happiness and joy we will bring in our future relationships. Who you are now will attract the exact same and so at precisely the right time for you what you need will come to you.

In empathy, you grow

Our difficult and painful experiences can, if we nurture the journey,  help us grow into more soulful people, in tune with the world and others around us. Not only can these experiences motivate us to move forwards in our own lives but they can also allow us to have empathy for other people’s pain, losses, and disappointment and to support other people through their life challenges. And in growing in empathy we also grow in the ability to build more social connections with others and have more social connections, which in turn, heightens our physical and psychological well-being. Empathy also helps us regulate our own emotions which in turn helps us manage our reactions, even in times of great stress, without becoming overwhelmed.

You know what is right for you

Often what we experience at the end of a relationship that has run its course or broken-down is simply just not healthy for us. These experiences can be those inflicted on us by others that clash with our fundamental beliefs or values as equally as they can be experiences that we bring on ourselves or inflict onto others. In these times of turmoil, we can have a tendency to become frustrated and angry as we are no longer receiving the love and support we are looking for. This can take us to a place of bitterness, rage, and sorrow or fill us with grief and remorse. Hanging onto these negative emotions and negative thought patterns taint our hearts and deprive our spirit of the joy it needs to survive. Learning how to tune into these negative emotions and reframe them and then let them go allows us to step forward, do better,  live better, and make better choices.

Many of us are brought up to believe that our long-term committed relationships will last forever and ever. This may be the case for many but it is not always the case for all and that is OK. Relationships also come into our lives for a reason, to teach us a lesson we haven’t yet learned, or for a season, something we need at the time as we learn to grow. Each experience and relationship is a learning curve and translating this into an active life lesson is the best way to accept this impermanence. Treat each day as a journey in itself, a new beginning to learn how to be the best version of you.  Instead of dwelling on what you missed, visit our talented relationship coach in Dubai and learn to live in each moment and grow in the process. Baby steps with the help of an expert are what lead to those huge and happy leaps in life. Change from anything can be difficult. Change from the “we” to the “I” can be one of the most difficult phases a person has to pass through before finding the “we” again, but this change, if you allow it, can lead you to the most amazing and rewarding of relationships and life in the long run. Embrace the change, seek help, and remember to give gratitude for all that is already right there bringing you joy today.

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