COVID-19 has impacted almost every type of romantic relationship, whether it’s dating couples, married ones, or divorcees with shared custody. The pandemic is said to have a negative impact on most of them due to sudden changes in the things that people have been accustomed to. Couples therapy is the best solution to normalize the new life changes and work things with your significant other. This article will look further into the effect on relationships and how therapy can help.

Effect On Married Couples

With the lockdown, some may find no personal time at all with everyone inside the house. The condition may even lead to challenging situations like losing a job where only one is making money for all the requirements.

This can be stressful, especially when everything around is limited. Working from home to not going out can grow your anxiety. This mindset can eventually start creating problems with you and your partner where you may begin to talk big about slight mistakes done by the other.

A couple’s coaching is ideal for those who cannot get settled with the new lifestyle, understand each other, and see things from a broader perspective. This time can be the perfect opportunity to know more about your partner.

Long-Distance Relationships

Although some may think the COVID-19 situation may not have a significant impact on those with long-distance relationships, this can be far from the truth as there can be a few downfalls for them as well. 

The pandemic has lowered many people’s mental health, problems in their jobs, financial downfalls, losing someone they loved, etc. Your partner can be the only person you are looking forward to sharing your emotions with. However, if you have a partner in a different country, it would be tough to see him or her.

You may have spent the whole vacation or job holidays at home due to the inability to pass the borders and meet your loved one. This can also build pressure and create problems between couples, especially not showing intimacy to each other. Therapy can help to develop mindfulness and improve communication, and to wait with patience till you reunite.

Effect on Dating Couples

You might wonder when you will be able to have a perfect candlelight dinner or a fancy dinner night again with all the restrictions; if it has been just a few months that you have been dating or a few years, this is the perfect chance for you to think out the box and think on creative things to work on your relationship.

Connect digitally and involve in things that you can do as a couple, be it a game or a quiz. It is the perfect time to find out every detail about your partner, including likes and dislikes. The time is also ideal for making plans and focusing on all the couple’s goals.

This way, you will feel more connected to your partner, although you have restrictions in going out. Positively taking everything can help you see clearly without dragging yourself into unnecessary arguments or problems.

Compromising, understanding, and trying to be on the same page can help continue your existing relationships without a problem. Refrain from confusing your work-life issues or other external issues into your relationship and take the stress from your partner. Instead, try to think how you would feel if you were put into the shoes of the other person. This will help you to minimize all the problems that can come during this restricted timeline of COVID-19.

If you feel you cannot handle the pressure as a couple and are willing to sort things with a professional’s guidance, contact our relationship coach in Dubai at One Life Coaching for consultations. We are happy to guide you to see the brighter side and make your relationship work.

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